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Inventory is simple YAML file called inventory.yaml in root of your workspace folder. The repositories, you want to patch, are declared here. You can use tags for having better control what to patch.

- repository: "/infra-repo/sandbox"
  tags: [ "sandbox", "terraform" ]
- repository: "/infra-repo/production"
  tags: [ "prod", "terraform" ]

Not every repository have a default branch main. Some legacy repos have master as main branch. This might be determined in inventory via default_branch:

- repository: "/infra-repo/sandbox"
  tags: [ "sandbox", "terraform" ]
  default_branch: master


You can use tags for your repositories. Tags helps you select only subset of repositories for patching. This is useful when you have GitOps repositories for sandbox and production environments and you want to roll-out your patch on sandboxes first and then on production.

Your repositories will be tagged like:

- repository: "/infra-repo/sandbox-1"
  tags: [ "sandbox" ]
- repository: "/infra-repo/sandbox-2"
  tags: [ "sandbox" ]
- repository: "/infra-repo/production-1"
  tags: [ "prod" ]

When use apply with -tag flag:

excav apply -tag sandbox ./hello-patch

The patch will be applied only to 2 sandbox repositories from inventory.


Each repository might have own set or parameters they're used in templates. You can define own parameters via params like:

- repository: /org/team2/repo4
  tags: ["prod", "team2"]
    param1: val1
    param2: val2