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Quick start

First, ensure you have excav installed in your system. If not please follow the instructions in Installation and Configuration section.

You will need two or more repositores. Create excav-demorepo-1 and excav-demorepo-2 repositories in your private or public GitLab or GitHub.

Create inventory file for those repositories in your working directory e.g. ~/excav-demo/inventory.yaml:

- repository: "/sn3d/excav-demorepo-1"
- repository: "/sn3d/excav-demorepo-2"

Then we need create a patch with some simple task. Create a directory demo-patch.

mkdir demo-patch

Put a new file patch.yaml into this directory with one task:

- name: append-hello-world
    mode: append-end
    content: "Hello World"

This task appends the text Hello World at the end of the file.

Now we can apply patch to the repositories by running apply command.

excav apply -branch excav/append-text -commit "patching" ./demo-patch

The command apply demo-patch to all repositories in inventort. Command creates commit with name patching in own branch excav/append-text. The changes are local and not pushed yet. You have time to check, if patch is applied correctly. For that you can use diff.

excav diff

If everything looks fine, you can continue with pushing changes.

excav push

The command push new branches into remote repositories and create Merge Request/Pull Request for a new branch.

If you want to know if everything is OK, what's the merge/pull request URL etc, you can use:

excav show

And if you don't like what patch did, you can discard everything, even MRs via:

excav discard